Picture of the Day: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Congratulations to the New Set of Officers!

My deepest Congratulations to the Newly Elected Officers of El Presidente Toastmasters Club!!

President:  Diane-Lyne Pagtalunan (moi'!)
Vice President Education: Rosette Magpayo
Vice President Membership: Sonny Vicente
Vice President Public Relations:  Nona Hermogenes
Secretary: Patrick Felismino
Treasurer: Ida T. Sih
Sergeant at Arms:  Alvin Sy

Immediate Past President: Anthony James Bautista

I guess, it's about time now for me to include the "Toastmaster" in me in my blog... yes, ladies and gentlemen.. I am indeed a Toastmaster. I started in October 2009... and whew! I can't believe that I am now the President of my home club!

I don't really remember when i started feeling or getting the hint that i might actually be a "president" material. i mean... its been years since I headed a certain club. Its the Debating society from my collegiate years <damn, i'm old!>... and besides the fact that i have some commitment and tardiness issues, I still got elected. this is way, way, way beyond my comfort zone. but still, from the midst of this unfocused heart and soul of mine, I know deep down that this event has a purpose, and I'm very much thankful for fact that they trusted me with this critically important responsibility... somehow, i felt undeserving.

I am praying and... 'lily, 'lily hoping that i can pull this one off. I mean, this is something that i can't just "back-out" the last minute if i feel pressured or tired... This is something I need to finish. I have developed several relationships here in this organization and I am hoping to develop some more this year!!

Well... in Toastmasters organization, the phrase below is not applicable only during January New Year celebrations... 

May El Presidente Toastmasters Club have a Prosperous New Term! 

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